verna holland

Verna has been grooming for over 40 yrs and started her career under the watchful eye of Sheila Morris. 

Married she worked from home enabling her to be a mother and a full time groomer. NDGANZ was formed and started having competitions, Verna competed and won many classes with a Bichon Frise, Cocker Spaniel and other breeds. Â As part of the invitational team she went to compete in USA in 1992 at Intergroom. Â Â
She was also invited to attend and compete in the Oster tournament of Champions in April 1996. Â She was one of the first Master Groomers in N.Z. and became also one of the first N.D.G.A. Judges. Â
Verna has judged in both New Zealand and Australia and has always been an enthusiastic supporter of young groomers and helped them to understand that grooming is a profession for life.
Recently Verna has retired from judging and certifying and we would like to acknowledge her huge contribution to the NZ grooming industry and the impact she has had on groomers throughout the country. Â
Recently Verna has retired from judging and certifying and we would like to acknowledge her huge contribution to the NZ grooming industry and the impact she has had on groomers throughout the country. Â