NDGA NZ CERTIFIERS meet our certifiers Sheila Morris (Am.ncmg) Founder National Dog Groomers Assn. of N.Z. Angela Anderson Angela Anderson is New Zealand’s first Internationally Certified Master Groomer and also a NDGANZ certified Master Groomer, NDGANZ Certifier, national and international judge and speaker. Theresa Peacock Theresa is currently a NZDGA Judge and trainer and has judged in Australia.  cathy wallace Cathy is an Examiner for the NDGANZ as well as a conformation judge regularly judges in both N.Z. and Australia. mATILDA VAN RIJNBERK Matilda is a Nationally Certified Master Groomer (NCMG), tutor in Angels Grooming Academy and NDGANZ Certifier. LEANNE PAPPS Leanne was the youngest to gain her National Master Groomer Certification (NCMG) at 21 and is a NDGANZ Certifier.